Help Plan SOZ's Passover Seder
Wed, Mar 30

Time & Location
Mar 30, 2022, 7:30 PM
About The Event
Help Plan SOZ’s Passover Seder
Is there part of the Haggadah that you might like to introduce, lead in a creative way, or share a story or insight about?
Do you have a reading, poem, explanation or insight that you would like to be included in the SOZ seder? It could be your own original composition or someone else’s that you find meaningful.
Or would you like to:
- Suggest a question or discussion topic to include in our seder
- Request or lead a song or other activity
- Share a family seder custom or story
- Do something we haven’t mentioned
Please email the office or register here if you would like to attend the Zoom Seder Planning Session. We will send you the link by 6 PM on Wednesday, March 30th.
It would be helpful if you could also send any materials you would like to suggest for the seder to and cc by the morning of Tuesday, March 29th. Having these suggestions in advance will make an important contribution to a productive meeting and a meaningful and festive seder.
Thank you so much!